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Kids have become prey to modern day lifestyle. Firstly, rising competition among children has forced

the parents to reduce their child's play time as it is seems to be a waste of time. Secondly, increasing population and high levels of encroachment in cities hardly leave any playing spaces due to which kids are left with no other option but to play online games and watch cartoons. The present lifestyle has taken away sports from the life of kids which is a very powerful tool in the hands of the parents if they want their kids to stay away from cartoons and junk foods. The picture painted above is not to scare you all and sound pessimistic but to tell you all that there is a ‘solution’.


Fitokids for the very first time brings to India a unique sports program for children aged 2.5-9 years. The curriculum for the program has been adopted after studying multiple sports program across USA and Canada. The program tends to impart basic sport skills through a methodology which combines learning with fun so that your child’s precious time is not killed. At Fitokids the play spaces are big and properly ventilated but ‘not air-conditioned’ as one of our aims is to make your child strong also.


From 0-8 years children need to develop the ABCs of movement – Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed. The ABCs are essential for developing fundamental movement skills, and fundamental movement skills will later provide the foundation for fundamental sport skills. Together, fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills from the basis of physical literacy. An

early active start enhances development of brain function, physical coordination, gross motor skills, and posture and balance. An active start also helps children to build confidence, social skills, emotional control, and imagination while reducing stress and improving sleep. We also know that being physically active later in life depends on feeling confident in an activity setting; and that

confidence, as an adult, most often comes from having learned fundamental movement and sport skills as a child.


All Fitocoaches possess three life-skills: (a) communication skills (b) skills for being non-judgemental and (c) skills for having empathy. The coaches are trained regularly to ensure that they act as mentors to your child and not instructors. Selected after multiple tests our coaches are amongst the best sportspersons across India. Being an integral part in our curriculum development team Fitocoaches teach precisely what is there in the curriculum. Also our processes have been designed to eliminate the human discretion in the course thus making sure that your child learns what the standard is. Expert Coaches break down skills into kid-sized bites of fun in supportive, non-competitive settings that encourage teamwork. Whether we’re teaching toddlers how to kick or pre-teens how to bat, our goal is the same: to give kids the tools to get in the game and leave them with the desire to stay in the game.


At Fitokids our aim is to help child gain real experience and actually learn the sport by using proper equipment and not toys. Though toys are safe for child but they don’t let your child actually learn a sport and at end are just for leisure. Our equipment on the other hand are child-safe, have age-specific sizes, and are appropriate for the sport they are learning. We have sourced our equipment from multiple countries to make sure we have the best of all.


Movement skills are the foundation for many sport-specific skills. We at Fitokids are a big believer in the concept of LTAD – Long Term Athlete Development. LTAD is a holistic approach to developing athletes and is applicable to all sports. To promote LTAD at the younger ages, we encourage children to play multiple sports. Kids who play multiple sports generally have better developed gross motor skills than sport-specific skills, which is the point, as we try to develop the whole budding child.

Running, jumping, catching and movement in different directions are all basic athletic skills that are far more important for this age group than learning sport-specific skills. With games like relay race with passing, the kids learn to better coordinate their body movement and manoeuvre in tighter spaces, while they are also learning some sport-specific skills.

People who are physically literate have the competence, confidence and motivation to enjoy a variety of sports and physical activities. As a result, they are more likely to stay active. Like reading and arithmetic, which develop a literary or numerical vocabulary, physical literacy develops a “movement vocabulary” of fundamental movement skills and fundamental sport skills. The

responsibility for developing a physically literate child ultimately rests with parents and coaches. We believe that the greatest coaches of all time are parents and we only stand second in line to evolve the child into an active individual. However, we wish to be the best coach after you.

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